Oh Honey, Bee Inspired Logo 

Whether we're pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone to try something new or opening our eyes to a fashion trend we didn't give a chance to before, our new life motto is #FORTHEBLOG. The idea of OHBI started with an untamable desire for a creative outlet. We believe every one is creative. We all might express it differently but it's there and it is important to cultivate that part of us. 

BFF's laughing. Black Ankle Boots. Floral 90's Inspired Lace Up Dress. Black Dress Jumper with Ruffle Details. 

The number one question that we've been asked since we started OHBI is "how do we make this blog work"? For those of you who are unaware, we don't live in the same city. We're just a little over an hour apart which to us isn't a big deal. It does have its challenges but with a little effort and a few "for the blog" chants, we make things happen. We both have full time jobs and other obligations but the answer is, we make it work because this blog is a vision we're passionate about. 

The best tip we can give on blogging is one word, TEAM. We couldn't do this without support. We're constantly bouncing ideas off of each other, affiriming creative decisions and new blog inspirations, and giving each other that extra push of motivation when the ZZZZZZ's are calling. The best part about preparing and launching this blog has been working alongside (not always literally) each other. Our husbands joke and call us "The Honeymooners" because we're always talking, texting, or side by side laughing and taking care of business (or dancing to Bruno Mars). 

Shout out to our husbands who are our faithful photographers and DIY consultants. We couldn't do this without you! We're thankful for their willingness to take 500 pictures just so we can use 15 of them. We're thankful for our friends who don't judge us when we're the weirdos crouching down in the corner of a cafe to get the perfect shot. We're thankful to live in a generation where we can express ideas, thoughts, and inspiration freely. Mostly, we're thankful for our OHBI team! 

James Mark as the Oh Honey Bee Inspired official bartender and drink mixologist. 

As a part of that team that shows your support by reading our content we hope you enjoy these not so perfect pictures that we decided to share of us throughout this post! We can't take ourselves too seriously after going through all the pictures we take. The photos usually capture our raptor hands, weird dance moves, and usually a moment of uncontrollable laughter. These pics show a small glimpse into a photo shoot day! Side note Kylie Jenner finally found what she was looking for in all of 2016! (See pic below) :)

Kylie Jenner finally found what she was looking for in a floral 90's style inspired dress with black ankle boots. 

Become a part of the Beehive! We would love to connect with you! Find us on Insta, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. We on all those meads! 
