Hi friends, Remember us?

Hi there, remember us? Full transparency it’s been over a year since our last blog post. We have a lot of mixed emotions about this but we think it’s very on brand for the kind of year 2020 has been. We started OHBI as a fun creative outlet where we could dream, create and hopefully inspire someone. Somewhere along the way it didn’t feel fun anymore. We got in our own way and began to over think everything. It’s no surprise, we are both type 6’s after all. We know y’all have some experience with putting yourself out there and it can be really scary. We let our fears take over and instead of confronting it we chose to avoid it. Add these feelings of inadequacy to the start of a global pandemic and we just couldn’t pull ourselves out of the funk. Totally not our proudest moment but you live and you learn friends.

Actual footage of how we handled the funk. So many snoozes were taken.

Actual footage of how we handled the funk. So many snoozes were taken.

This isn’t the type of attitude that OHBI stands for…we have always encouraged a safe space to be ourselves and encouraged our readers to do the same. All that to say, we’re taking our own advice and coming back one step at a time.

As we all impatiently wait for someone to roll doubles and end this game of Jumanji that has been the year 2020 it’s time to do some self-reflection.

This season is usually a time to reflect on everything that has been achieved in the last year but…GLOBAL PANDEMIC. So if the only thing you achieved was rolling out of bed then that deserves a huge round of applause! Instead of focusing on what was achieved, or in our case what was not achieved, we wanted to take this time to focus on what 2020 has taught us.

5 things 2020 taught us

  1. Don’t waste your money on a calendar. JK but seriously we’ve learned how to find contentment when things don’t always go as planned and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. Instead of focusing on what we can’t control we learned to stay in the moment and focus on what we can, which is our attitudes and perspectives on our realities. Mindfulness is key!

  2. This year has raised some difficult and long overdue conversations surrounding inequality and racism. We realized that just because we don’t experience something doesn’t mean it’s not happening. We are striving to be better at educating ourselves and becoming stronger allies. Work needs to be done and we are no longer choosing silence over action.

  3. Use your voice/privilege to do good in this world. A single person can’t change the entire world but knowledge and action can start a trickle effect of goodness.

  4. Introverts still need human connections. The quarantine life and alone time was a dream come true at first but we quickly realized we value the IRL relationships.

  5. Don’t take the small little joys in life for granted. They may seem mundane in the moment but once they get taken away from you in a blink of an eye you’ll realize how wonderful those little joys made day to day life. We really miss seeing our friends and family. Giving hugs. Wandering the aisles of Target. Going on a day trip without the fear of everything being closed. Spending a night out on the dance floor. Ordering a bevy at the bar and sharing a plate of fries. The list can go on forever.

We’re heading into 2021 with more gratitude, patience and kindness than we have ever had.

We recently read “Feel It Out” by Jordan Sondler. We’re still learning a lot about ourselves and the quote below really summed it up for us. We hope you are celebrating where you are right now and acknowledging how you can keep growing. We sure are!

”It seems silly, but awareness about ourselves and our feelings can have such a big impact on our attitudes. Before we can grow and move forward, we need to make peace with where we are in our lives and figure out how to love ourselves for, not in spite of, it.” -Jordan Sondler



For our friends who want to keep learning and growing. Here’s the link for the book.